Notice – First Internal Test Time Table

Students of B. Com 5th, Semesters are hereby informed that FIRST Internal Test commenced as per the following schedule. Attendance is compulsory and performance in Test will be taken into consideration for allotting Internal Marks. REVISED TIME SCHEDULE FOR FIRST INTERNAL TEST Days
5th Sem. FRIDAY
9.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.
Accounting Theory 10.30 a.m. to11.30 a.m.
Income TRead More…

Floods at Dharwad District Uppina Betageri

  Floods at Dharwad District Uppina Betageri On the Seventh Day of August during the crisis of Floods faced by the people of Dharwad and Belagavi District, Rescue Team from NSS UNIT of KLE’S J. G. College of Commerce Hubballi with 10 volunteers and faculties set a journey to Dharwad District – Uppina Betageri Village for helping victims of floods where they noticed a painful scenaRead More…