
Class Room

The classrooms are spacious to accommodate a good number of students. A good lecture hall creates good atmosphere. The classrooms are put up with various wallpapers, that create a learning environment. The arts and innovations of students are welcome to make classrooms more friendly. Facilities like LCD etc are made in classrooms.


Computer Lab

The College has two well-equipped computer labs located in the first floor of the college building. The Lab is fully air conditioned (six units of 2 tons capacity each) with an infrastructure facility to lodge 80 computer systems. Special electrification with UPS power backup is provided for all computers. Fire Extinguisher equipment is also provided to meet the unforeseen eventualities.

Both the Labs are equipped with 80 Higher configured Dell and HP branded Computers systems connected through Local Area network which interconnected with Broadband internet connections, Wireless connection.

Information and Communication Technology supports the academic mission and the administrative functions of the college by providing a robust and stable campus infrastructure and helping faculty, staff, and students integrate effective technologies into their course curriculum, research and other academic work. We strive to provide exceptional customer service, while at the same time developing user skills to promote technical self-sufficiency.

Operational Functions:

In keeping with its commitment to extend educational opportunities in the field of information and communication technology, college has housed, in a magnificent state of the art building, having well-equipped with centralized computer centers to cater to the needs of the students and faculty in the college with 80 computers. It provides a platform for UG & PG students to strengthen the ICT skills and a central facility for the growth and development of teaching, research, administration, examination other important cells of the College. The computer center has maintained advanced technology and OFC internet connection facility as its backbone. The Internet connection is provided to all teachers, students, research scholars and the administrative staff of the college and it is well equipped with latest versions of hardware systems as well as software.

Computer Lab is a full service computing area for students, allowing access to Tally ERP, Online Exam, ERP Software and class assignment. SAP E-Learning Programme and Casual Internet Browsing, Scanning and printing facilities are also available to be used by staff and students. It also conducts short term certificate courses for the students to enhance Computer Literacy. The Lab assists various departments of the college in computerizing their task and practical training to students.

The lab is staffed with well trained personnel to assist the students and staff with questions regarding computer usage and printing services during working hours.

Langauge Lab

We have computerised Language Lab with Clarity Language Lab Software with High end Computer Systems loaded with 30 User Licenses


Library is the heart of Education. Well functioning heart keeps the body healthy and long life. Efficient library creates healthy educational atmosphere, keeping this view in mind library acts accordingly. Thus, building is located behind the main building of the college. It is surrounded by greenish and beautiful scenery. The Building consists of three wings having two floors. The library is easily accessible to all users.

Library Building Details:              696 Sq.Mts.’1971′ Rs. 3.10 Laks

Seating Capacity:                       200 for Students & 20 for staff

The college library housed in an independent and spacious building, functions as the heart of the institution with its unique collection of 64,000 volumes, 60 journals and 40 periodicals. The library has enriched collegiate education with all its diversities and embellishments. It has been serving as a partner in conservation of knowledge, ideas and teaching. The library is kept open 8-00 a.m. to 8-00 p.m. during the times of examinations

The College Library is equipped with about 65,000 volumes and thousands of titles covering all the subjects connected with Commerce education. A qualified librarian with other assistants looks after the working of the Library. It works 11 am to 6 pm on all working days and during examination time it works between 8 am and 8 pm on all working days. It has a ‘Poor Students Lending Library’ section which lends average 4-6 books to the poor and deserving students for the whole year.

Library Collections:

 ExistingNewly addedTotal as on 31.3.2018
Text Books97,5733,0071,00,776
Reference Books558196754
Digital Database-`
CD & Video1111
Others (specify)

News Papers & Periodicals:

1Deccan Herald1Prajavani
2Indian Express2Samyukta Karnataka
3Hindu3Vijaya Karnataka
4Economics Times4Kannada Prabha
5Times of India  
 Kannada Weekly English Journals
1Karmaveer1Entrepreneurial Development
2Sudha2Chartered Financial Analyist
3Tarang3Effective Executive
 Kannada Fortnightly4Accounting World
1Prapancha5Marketing Master Mind
2Belagavi Veerashaiva Vani6Audit Practice
 Kannada Monthly7University News
1Kasturi ——
3Mayur10Southern Economist
4Gruhashoba11University Today
5Diksoochi12Charatered Accountant
6Chutaku13KLE Bulletien
7Vyaktithva Vikasa14Harward Business Review
8Sparda Chaitra15Indian Economic Journal
9Sparda Spoorti16Industrial Economics
10Psychology and Personality Development17Banking Law
 English Weekly18Best Books
1Employment News19March of Karnataka (Free)
2India Today20NAAC News (Free)
3Out look21The Vision (Free)
4The Week22Humanism (Free)
5Sports Star23Karnatak University Bullitien (Free)
 Hindi Weekly24Career Review Bullitien (Free)
1Out Look25Managerial Economics
 English Fortnightly26Monetary Economics
1Womens Era27H R M Review
2Femina28Organisational Behaviour
3Business Today29Operation Management
4Frontline Journals Monthly (Kannada)
5Business India1Viveka Sampada
 English Monthly2Basava Patha
2Readers Digest4Lingayata
3Wisdom5Jeevanadi (Free)
4Competition Success Review6Paramajyoti (Free)
5Digit7Ranga Vitala (Free)
6PC Quest8Yuga Rashmi (Free)
7Yoga9Janapada (Free)
1German News11Yuva Karnataka (Free)
  12Karnataka vanijya (Free)
  13Jotir Vidnyana (Free)
  14Kannada Nudi (Free)
 Subscribed in the year 2009-10
 Advances in Developing Human resources 
 Asian Journal of Management Cases 
 Global Business Review 
 International Journal of Rural Management 
 Journal of Emerging Market Finance 
 Journal of Entrepreneurship 
 Journal of Human Values 
 Journal of Management 

Library Services:

♦ One book will be issued on Borrowers Card for 15 days to all the Students.

♦ 1 to 2 books will be issued on PSL form for the entire course semester.

♦ Extra books will be given to Poor and Meritorious students.

♦ 1 book (apart from text ) will be given on Identity Card for home reading for 2 to 8 days.

CD and DVD Facility:

CD and DVD will be issued to the student on Identity Cards for 1 to 2 days for viewing personally.

Journal and Periodicals Facility:

Journal and Periodical will be issued to the students on demand for home reading for 1-2 day on production of Identity Cards.

Reference Section:

The Reference section will be kept open during library hours

Books, journals and Periodicals, Previous Question Papers will be issued on Identity Cards for reference.

Library Working Hours:

Generally the library will be kept open from 10.30 a.m to 6.00 p.m. A special provision made during examinations from 8.00 a.m to 8.00 p.m

Users Orientation Programme:

The fresher’s are formally introduced to the library facilities and services at the beginning of every academic year, Class wise about books, Journals, Periodicals and others.

New Arrivals Display:

Some selected titles of new books acquired by the library are displayed in New Arrivals Display racks for the benefit of users. These books will be on display for at least one week and after that they will be made available to borrow.

Inter Library Loans:

It is not possible for any institution, however rich its resources, to buy all the books published even in a discipline. Hence, it is inevitable to depend on other sister organizations to share information sources for the mutual benefit of users.

News paper clipping Service:

Press clipping service is one of the most important service in a library. The press clipping means the cutting of news items Which are useful to the students staff or to the Principal. These paper cuttings will be displayed for one week and will be filed for future reference.

Personalized  Reference service:

          Reference service means ” Process of establishing contact between a user and his requirements in a personal way”. It is a personal service, which involves various activities, aimed at making information available to the users as easily as possible. Library staff guide them to browse the documents which contain the required information, depending upon their requirements. With the available resources.

Ready Reference and Long Range Reference service:

In ready reference service library staff will answer the users queries with the help of Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Yearbooks, etc. Which are more or less fact-finding services. On the other hand library staff also undertake long range service for the benefit of the users community. In this service library will offer the users the list of books on a given subject on demand which are available in this library as and when they require.

Xerox/Repographic Service:

The library provides reprographic service to the users on priced basis. This saves the time of the users to a great extent.

User Orientation:

The fresher’s are formally introduced to the library sources and services at the beginning of every academic year. The students of each class, are taken to each section by the library staff and are introduced to the diverse sources and services, so as to make them familiar with the library to gain maximum use of the library.

Internet Facility and Gidance:

          For effective usage of Internet for collection of right information during the time of its necessity to all Teaching Faculty, Students, and Administrative staff. In this direction, the Library provides the facilities about use of Internet, E-mail and other applications. the library.

e-Resource Awareness and Guidance:

Under UGC-Infonet E-Consortia Programme the Library availing more than 2000 Abstracts of journals, and other open access journals like DOAJ.


Digital Library provides access to :
Library OPAC
Online Journals
JCCC@UGC-INFONET: e journal gateway
Free E-Journals in Commerce
E-reference sources
Theses and Dissertations
UN and other International Agencies Publications
Subject Gateways
Karnatak University
Online Books
Miscellaneous Notes and Soft Skills


The college has got a large playground providing facility to play various outdoor games like volleyball,football,cricket,basketball,tennikoit etc. The college is conducting different games and tournaments at college level, university level, state level and national level also.


The Gymkhana Department, which is a pride of the college, is well equipped and modern and provides ample opportunities to promote sports and games. It has carved a niche for itself by producing Ranji Trophy players and University Blues. It has bagged many prestigious trophies and shields in the past
