For M.Com

Minimum Eligibility for Admission

A candidate, who has successfully completed Bachelor’s Degree programme in Commerce of this University or of any other University recognized as equivalent thereto by this university, shall be eligible for admission to the Post Graduate Programmes in Commerce provided the candidate also satisfies the conditions like the minimum percentage of marks and other eligibility conditions are prescribed by the University from time to time.

Admission shall be as per the Govt. Of Karnataka Reservation Policy and direction from time to time and also as per rules of Karnatak university, Dharwad.

Medium of Instructions and Evaluation

The medium of instructions for all programmes except languages shall be English. However the students may write the examinations in Kannada if so provided by the Board of Studies in Commerce [PG].

Programme Structure

  1. The students of Post-Graduation Programme shall study the courses as may be approved by the Board of Studies in Commerce [PG], Faculty and the Academic Council of the Karnatak University from time to time subject to minimum and maximum credits as outlined in these regulations.

  2. There shall be three categories of courses namely – Compulsory Courses, Specializations Courses and Open Elective Courses.

  3. Each programme shall have a set of Compulsory courses, as stipulated in the regulations governing the concerned programme, that a student must complete to get the concerned degree.

  4. In those programmes that offer specialization courses, the students shall choose the prescribed number of specialization courses offered within the Department.

  5. a) The Department shall offer Open Elective courses for students of other Departments in each semester.
    b) The M.Com students of the department shall choose Open Elective courses from among those prescribed by the University and selected by the Department from time to time. P.G. Centers and affiliated colleges, can offer those Open Elective Courses which are approved or prescribed by the P.G. Department of Commerce on the main campus, Such open Elective courses shall be taught by qualified teachers approved by the University.

  1. The credits for each of the Compulsory Courses shall be 4; for specialization Course, 4; and for Open Elective Course, 4. The credits for the project work in the IV semester shall be 2 for dissertion and 2 for Viva-Voce.

  2. A student shall register for a minimum of 88 credits during the whole duration of P.G. Programmes as stipulated in the General Regulations.

  3. The students shall undertake projects in the IV semester as a compulsory course.

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