NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL Student Satisfaction Survey (Key Indicator 2.7.1)
Under Criteria II on Teaching – Learning and Evaluation 2.7.1 STUDENT SATISFACTION SURVEY
About questionnaire:
The questionnaire will be based on the Likert type scale that means the responses are scaled on a scale of 0 to 4, with the most positive response being rated as 4 and the most negative response being rated as 0. The score emerging out of the survey is part of the second criterion on Teaching-Learning and Evaluation, out of the seven NAAC criteria. The questionnaire consists of several facets of the teaching-learning process. Questions vary from specific teaching skills of the teacher to his overall approach to the educational process. Specific skills of the teacher like subject knowledge, communication skills, class preparation, and use of ICT tools are part of the questionnaire. The overall approach of the teacher and institution with respect to providing the right environment, motivation, interpersonal relationships, feedback, etc. forms the second major component of the questionnaire. Twenty of the twenty-one questions are objective in nature, while one question is open-ended to elicit observations and suggestions for improvements providing an opportunity to the student to give suggestions and criticisms in their own words. Analysis of the survey would be done using software which will aggregate the responses and generate the score. The score will range from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 4 on a five-point scale and would affect the overall score of the second criteria on Teaching-Learning and evaluation. Responses to the open-ended question would also be aggregated to find out the most common suggestion and criticisms emerging out of the survey.
Analysis of questionnaire:
There are twenty objective questions in the questionnaire and one open-ended question.
Analysis of objective questions:
There are twenty objective questions and students will respond on a scale of 4 to 0, with the most positive response rated as 4 and the most negative response rated as 0. The mean score for each question will be calculated and the overall mean will be arrived at. This figure will range from 4 to 0 and will give the mean satisfaction level of the students for the particular institute. This figure in the range of 4 to 0 will be the score of key indicator ‘Student Satisfaction Survey’ (2.7.1) which is part of criterion II on Teaching-Learning and Evaluation.
Analysis of the open-ended question:
The students are asked to give three observations/suggestions to improve the overall teaching-learning experience in the institution. The analysis would be carried out by aggregating the most occurring suggestions in the student responses. This would provide an idea of the most general expectations, observations, and suggestions from the students.