B.Com First Year Time table (2023-24)
Post-matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
Revised-I All UG II & IV Semester CBCS Time Table September-October 2022.pdf
Revised-I TIME TABLE NON CBCS II IV & VI Semester Exam August-September 2022.pdf
Revised-I NEP II SemTime Table September-October-2022.pdf
Revised NEP-1 & 2 Semester Calendar of Events 2022-23
Har Ghar Tiranga
To mark this momentous occasion, you are encouraged to hoist the flag in your homes from 13th to 15th August 2022. Apart from this, you can also ‘Pin a Flag’ virtually at https://harghartiranga.com, along with posting a ‘Selfie with Flag’ on the site. More Details Click the link : https://amritmahotsav.nic.in/UG II Semester NEP Examination Application Notification Aug-Sep – 2022 —————-> Click Here
Respected Principals/Academicians/Students..!!🙏🏻 Seasonal Greetings..!!😊 K.L.E Society’s J. G. College of Commerce, Hubballi takes proud moment to announce this National Level Student Seminar on Agnipath A Government Initiative towards Nation building 📌 For UG and PG Students 📌Themes are mentioned in the above flyer 📌🏆🤑Exciting Cash Prizes For Winner and Runner up🤑🏆 📌 Certificates for participants 🥳 📌 *Registration Fees: ₹ 250 * 🥳 Payment Details: A/C No; 520101005448170 IFSC Code; UBIN0905283 Bank Name; Union Bank of India, Vidya Nagar Hubli. ⚠️ Last Date for submission of Seminar article : 2nd August, 2022 Call for more information: 📞 +91 70199 83936, +91 9448893668 Link to upload: shorturl.at/vwX26Revised – I Semester Exam Time Table Under NEP April 2022
Revised UG 2 4 6 & 8 Semester Calendar of Events 2021-22
- Admission Open for Post Graduation in Commerce for details Click Here REGULATIONS AND SYLLABI For B.COM PROGRAMME (I to VIII Semesters) AS PER NEW EDUCATION POLICY -2020 Compulsory Paper for all Under Graduate Programmes : Environmental Studies
- UG (Revised) CBCS and non – CBCS Semester End Examination August / September 2021 Time Table.
- Dear Students,as per the circular issued by the Registrar, KUD You are hereby informed to attend the Online Classes from home as per the Time Table effect from 17th May 2021. By Principal JGCC

- B.Com I, II, III Year SEMESTER CBCS, Non- CBCS THEORY EXAMINATIONS OF APRIL 2021.Candidates for the above examinations are requested to be present at the fixed places fifteen minutes before the time fixed for conduct of the first paper and ten minutes before the time fixed for conduct of each subsequent paper. They are forbidden to take any books or notes or papers or mobiles into the Examination Hall. The written examination will be conducted in the following order. Time Table Link : Click Here
- Notice : The students willing to attend offline classes are informed to Download the Consent letter by following the link Given Below. https://klesjgcc.edu.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/JGCC-Offline.pdf Submit the filled format duly signed by your parent to the college while attending the offline classes on 18.January.2021 onwards and Online classes will run as usual.
- G.T.T Connect with work 2020-21 training programme is scheduled for B.Com 5th Sem Students from 05.01.2021 to 07.01.2021 @ 8.30 am to 5.30pm Interested Students can register and take benefit of it. Click for More Details
- Time Table for Online Classes – 2020-21.

Invitation to Join Online Webinar
- National Webinar on Imparting Life Skills and Values through Curriculum by Dr. Neeta Dhumal, Associate Professor in English, Kamala College, Kolhapur.
- “Intellectual Property Rights” by Kiran Bettadapur Scheduled on 21st Aug.2020 @10.30 am through Youtube Channel (New)
- National Level Webinar on “Gender Sensitization and Equality” scheduled on 12th July, 2020
- Winners of the National level Online Essay Competition 2020
- Greetings from K L E Society’s, J G College of Commerce. Hubballi.
We are glad to Announce the winners of the National level Online Essay Competition-2020 “Essay on Problems & Challenges of COVID-19” held in May 2020.
Thank you for participating in the competition.
Be the Energy you want to attract.
Warriors are not the ones who always win, but ones that always fight.
2nd Internal Test Time Table (Online MCQ)
- National Level Online Essay Competition 2020 on PROBLEMS & CHALLENGES OF COVID – 19 for more details click
- Stay safe from COVID-19
- Kindly download the Aarogya Setu Mobile App For more updates about COVID-19 Dashboard Click Here