A teaching plan in all the subjects is prepared at the beginning of the academic year. Periodical tests, home assignments, class assignments and add-on syllabus are fitted into the teaching plan in a planned manner. A track of performance evaluation of the students in academics is maintained by conducting periodical tests, examinations and the same is analyzed in the class room.
Part I – Languages: 1. English 02 , 2. Kannada 01 OR Hindi 03
Part II – Optional Subjects: 1. Accountancy 30 , 2. Business Studies 27 , 3. Economics 22 , 4. Statistics 31
a) The student should have passed the S.S.L.C Examination of the Karnataka Secondary Education Board. OR b) Any other examination recognised by the P.U.E. Board, Bangalore, equivalent to the Karnataka S.S.L.C for the purpose of admission. OR A candidate passing any other examination which is recognised as equivalent to the S.S.L.C. Examination of the Karnataka State must bring a letter of permission from the P.U.E. Board, Bangalore at the time of admission to the P.U. Course. Candidates should obtain such letter of Eligibility Certificate on application, enclosing a photostat copy of the Passing Certificate obtained at the previous qualifying examination. The candidates wishing to get an admission to the BCom course will have to meet the following eligibility criteria a) The student should have passed the PUC Examination. OR b) Any other examination recognised by the KUD, equivalent to the Karnataka PUC for the purpose of admission. OR A candidate passing any other examination which is recognised as equivalent to the PUC. Examination of the Karnataka State must bring a letter of permission from the KUD at the time of admission. Candidates should obtain such letter of Eligibility Certificate on application, enclosing a photostat copy of the Passing Certificate obtained at the previous qualifying examination
Note: The students should note that from the academic year 2004-2005 PUC Board has intoduced Internal Assessment at PUC I & II in all the subjects. That is the total marks in each subject are divided as follows
- End-Year Exam carrying 90 Marks
- 10 marks for Internal Assessment in each subject. This includes performance in the Work Book, Assignments, Journals and Project Work
A teaching plan in all the subjects is prepared at the beginning of the academic year. Periodical tests, home assignments, class assignments and add-on syllabus are fitted into the teaching plan in a planned manner. A track of performance evaluation of the students in academics is maintained by conducting periodical tests, examinations and the same is analyzed in the class room
The scheme of examination, the minimum and maximum marks, duration of the examination and the time schedule will be as follows
1. Quarterly Test. Period when to be held : Third week of August. Duration and Maximum Marks : 1:30 minutes for each subject for a maximum marks of 45 2. Mid-Term Examination. Period when to be held : First week of December. Duration and Maximum Marks : 3 hours for each subject for a maximum marks of 90 3. II Quarterly Test (I PUC only). Period when to be held : First week of February. Duration and Maximum Marks : 1:30 minutes for each subject for a maximum marks of 45 4. Preparatory Examination (II PUC only). Period when to be held : Third week of February. Duration and Maximum Marks : 3 hours for each subject for a maximum marks of 90 5. Annual Examination (I PUC only). Period when to be held : March Duration and Maximum Marks : 3 hours for each subject for a maximum marks of 90. 6. Annual Examination (II PUC only). Period when to be held : March/April Duration and Maximum Marks : 3 hours for each subject for a maximum marks of 90. project work/assignments/activities
A minimum number of projects/assignments/activities shall be given to a student in the first and second year P.U.C. and assessment shall be done as per regulations given in the curriculum. Conduct of I PUC Annual examination 1.There shall be an Annual District Level Examination at the end of the I Year Pre-University Course, as per Government Order No. ED 213 TPU, 2001 Bangalore dated 22-11-2001. This is in addition to two quarterly tests and one mid-term examination. The Annual Examination shall be conducted at the District Level by the committee constituted under the Chairmanship of the concerned District Deputy Director. The tests and mid-term examination shall be conducted by the colleges concerned 2.In each subject/language three sets of question papers along with schemes of valuation are to be submitted, out of which one set will be made use of for the examination. The other two sets will remain as reserve question papers 3.The Principals shall make available the scheme of valuation and question papers to the lectures at the time of evaluating the answer scripts in their respective colleges in all the subjects 4.If a subject is handled by more than one lecturer, the answer scripts may be distributed among all the lecturers handling the subject as per the needs of the situation or as decided by the Council.
The results of the I Year Pre-University Examination shall be declared on 10th April every year after obtaining approval from the concerned District Deputy Director
All those who obtain a minimum of 30% in a paper and 35% in the aggregate in part I and part II separately in the Annual Examination shall be declared as promoted. The breakup is as follows : Subjects having practical examination – 27 marks out of 90 marks in theory. Subjects without practical examination – 27 marks out of 90 marks in theory.
There will be a Taluk Level Supplementary Examination in the last week of June for I Year PUC as per Government Order No. ED 87 TPU 2003 dated 26-5-2003. Candidates who have failed in the March examination may appear for this special examination on payment of Rs. 40/- as examination fees for each subject. Students who pass this examination are also eligible for admission to the II Year PUC in the same academic year